Manaslu circuit trek difficulty


Mount Manaslu is the eighth highest mountain in the world, which peak is 8,163 meters high. The journey coincides with the old salt trading road flowing along the Budhi Gandaki River. The hike offers a whole spectrum of sceneries for trekkers who look for a breathtaking view.

The Manaslu Circuit Trek has a moderate level of difficulty. This trek is suitable for not only beginners but also experienced mountaineers.

On the contrary to the famous treks in Nepal, the Manaslu trek is not crowded with people. The trail takes you through the magnificent Budi Gandaki and Nubri valleys offering a variety of sceneries. You will be moving through the sub-tropical foothills of the Himalayas, crossing the Trans-Himalayan pastures, discovering ancient villages and passing by the rivers and waterfalls and high mountain passes.

The Majestic of Larkya La Pass

The most exciting part of the Manaslu trek is the Larkya La Pass, which towers at an astounding height of 5,106 meters. Larkya La Pass has the best view of nearby mountains and acts as the highest point of the trek.

You can hear the sounds of victory and jubilation when you reach there.

The adventure commences in the busy Arughat Bazaar and ends in Besisahar. Nevertheless, for thrill seekers, the trek can also begins from Barpak, which makes it more difficult.

In the past, trekking was characterized by a complete self-sufficiency along the way. Nevertheless, the latest development involves the establishment of a few tea houses along the route, which makes it easier for the trekkers to access local accommodations and other amenities, and therefore, attracts even more trekkers.

Manaslu area becomes less frequented and popular due to its permit being issued at altitude.

Navigating Weather Challenges

The Manaslu circuit is not a well-traveled path by the travelers due to its challenging nature. The weather is one of the main causes that make the trek to Manaslu hard. The Manaslu conservation area is the home of six different climatic zones, with the permanent snow level above 5000 meters. This, in turn, implies that trekking in winter is almost impossible, as very cold temperatures makes it difficult to find some tea houses, while heavy snowfall piles the Larkya La Pass blocked.

The Manaslu land region is also likely victim of landslides and avalanches during monsoons that is very dangerous. For this reason, the optimal times to begin the Manaslu trekking are during the spring and autumn when the climate is more stable. Yet, even during this season, the weather in the Manaslu area can be unstable and, therefore, trekkers have to be ready for any scenario.

Altitude Concerns

However, the altitude is also one of the difficulties of Manaslu trek. The journey starts at 600 meters and attains the maximum elevation of 5,106 meters at the Larkya La Pass. This results in trekkers being threatened by Altitude Sickness, which is a condition when the body fails to adjust to the lower oxygen levels at the high altitudes.

Altitude sickness may result in symptoms like headaches, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue and in severe cases even being fatal. Trekkers are highly recommended to climb slowly, remain properly hydrated, and plan acclimatization days in their itinerary in order to reduce the likelihood of getting altitude sickness. Finally, it is important to know the symptoms of altitude sickness and seek medical help if they occur.

In case of dizziness or shortness of breath, the trek should be halted and help obtained. It is recommended not to climb more than 500 meters per day and to acclimate well to prevent altitude sickness. Another option is the lower altitude Pikey Peak Trek.

Extra Tips

Preparation should include a disciplined fitness regime to help bring the body to the top of its condition before the challenging terrain. Besides, it is necessary to buy a permit for trekking the Manaslu region which costs US$70 per person for the first week and US$10 per person for each subsequent week.


Other tips to minimize the problems of the Manaslu also include drinking at least 5 liters of water every day, keeping up to date on the weather forecast, taking slow and steady steps, booking accommodations in advance to avoid last-minute hassles, getting complete travel insurance, carrying energy bars with you, applying insect repellent during the summer treks, avoid alcohol, and bringing a water purifier and a reusable water

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